The Lawlyes Log

The Lawlyes Family experienced a lot of changes in the last year. Last December our first grandchild, Benjamin was born to Becky and Matt, becoming the new center of our universe. Sara graduated from law school and relocated to Long Beach, CA and is working for the U.S. Air Force. Carolyn and Larry retired and moved to Prescott, AZ. Staying in touch with each other and our friends is a challenge and a priority. This log will help us share the new unfolding chapters of our lives.

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Location: Prescott, Arizona

Saturday, July 22, 2006

At the Rodeo

Summer is a busy time in Prescott. Carolyn and I have been on the go and I haven't kept up the blog this month. So, I thought I'd show you what we've been up to.

A few weeks ago, Sara and Bob visited us from LA. Bob wanted to take us to see the Prescott rodeo, the world's oldest, so they came for the weekend.

Prescott has been hosting the rodeo every year since 1888.

Contestants from across the country participate in all the traditional events including calf roping...

bronc riding,

barrel racing, and

bull riding.

There were also exhibitions in trick roping and

and horsemanship.

We had a great day experiencing a bit of Prescott's history and seeing Sara and Bob.


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