Ben Comes To Arizona
Ben came for a visit to see Grandma and Grandpa in March. (He brought Mom and Dad too.) He grew and changed so much since December. He is so outgoing, active, and verbal. He is a very happy boy!
Aunt Sara made a long drive over from Long Beach just to see him. Ben liked to stack blocks on her nose!
He had fun at the lake!
His favorite thing was to throw rocks in the water. (He's a right-hander.)
It won't be too long before he'll be big enough to go in the kayak with Mom and Dad!
Ben also liked to draw pictures and play blocks with Grandma. Soon Grandma will introduce him to watercolors.
One of his favorite toys is the lawn mower that Grandma bought him. (Sadly we don't have grass and he has to mow the driveway!)
A recent word in Ben's vocabulary is "helicopter," so we had to take a ride while we were at the mall.
He also took his first pony ride. It won't be long until he's ready for the real thing.
Early mornings were my favorite time to spend with Ben. He loved to get up and go bounce with Tigger.
He's also very adept at pushing buttons. He loves to play with stereo equipment in particular. He discovered settings Grandpa didn't know he had.
Ben is a veteran at the Grand Canyon but this is the first time he saw it in the snow.
He didn't get to go hiking with Mom and Dad but he did get to try on Grandma's shoes.
After the Grand Canyon, it was time to hit the road for warmer climes and go see the Cubbies in Mesa.
Here's Mom and Ben at Hohokam Park to see his first Cub game!
You can't beat fun at the ol' ballpark!
It was a sure a lot warmer here than at the Canyon.
Ben made friends everywhere he went.
He explored every nook and cranny of the park.
Goodbye everybody! See you at Wrigley Field.
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