The Lawlyes Log

The Lawlyes Family experienced a lot of changes in the last year. Last December our first grandchild, Benjamin was born to Becky and Matt, becoming the new center of our universe. Sara graduated from law school and relocated to Long Beach, CA and is working for the U.S. Air Force. Carolyn and Larry retired and moved to Prescott, AZ. Staying in touch with each other and our friends is a challenge and a priority. This log will help us share the new unfolding chapters of our lives.

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Location: Prescott, Arizona

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Ben Update

Ben is in one of those developmental spurts where the changes are noticeable by the day. New teeth are popping out all at once. Although we thought for a while that he might skip crawling and go right to walking, he suddenly is doing an "army crawl" all through the house, keeping mom and dad busy "Ben-proofing" the place. He was discovered very recently sitting up in his bed playing with toys when he was supposed to be napping. Days later he was found standing up in bed. In the last week, Matt and Becky report that he has become very vocal. Reports are that he is working on saying, "Da-da."

He's a very busy boy.

Something has attracted his attention and he's heading toward his room.

"Hey dad, look what I can do! Now if I can just figure out how to get my leg over the rail."

"I love cats, but I can't eat a whole one."

He's got two front (upper) teeth and it isn't even Christmas yet.

Two teeth can be seen emerging on the bottom. These can't be fun times.

Mom and dad took Ben to the park for the first time.

He loved to swing. Just wait until next summer!

"Wheeee ..." Ben comes flying down the slide.

(Actually mom said he was sitting still. But it looks good doesn't it?)

You know, swings and slides are fun but nothing beats playing in the grass with mom.


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